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5 AMAZING ways to use Phase Plant's brand new Filter Table Featured Image
Sam WillisDec 13, 2024 8:00:00 PM1 min read

5 AMAZING ways to use Phase Plant's brand new Filter Table

Discover 5 amazing ways to use Filter Tables, the EPIC new feature from Kilohearts' Phase Plant, in this dBs Tutorial with DC Breaks.

Kilohearts' softsynth Phase Plant is one of the most powerful synths on the planet and they've just made it even more powerful with an incredible new addition to their tools: Filter Tables.

What are Phase Plant Filter Tables?

Phase Plant's new filter tables are tools that facilitate a "new realm of sound design possibilities", according to DC Breaks. They give music producers and sound designers the ability to filter sound and encode characteristics and textures onto sound in previously impossible ways.

Filter Tables "convert the harmonic content of a wavetable frame into a distinctive filter shape that can be applied to any incoming audio," giving music producers and sound designers the ability to seamlessly adjust the filter's shape in real time.

How do Phase Plant Filter Tables work?

Get the low-down on using Phase Plant Filter Tables with dBs Online module leader, music producer and sound design maestro DC Breaks, who did a deep dive into 5 unique ways you can use the new feature.

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Sam Willis
Sam Willis is dBs Institute's Content & Communications Manager and a writer with over ten years of experience. As a music writer, his work has been published in titles including Vice, PAPER Magazine, Red Bull Music, Long Live Vinyl Magazine and Classic Pop Magazine. As a copywriter, he has written long and short-form content for clients across several industries.