dBs Insider

Ableton Live 12 launches today! Here's what's new

Written by dBs Institute | Mar 5, 2024 8:00:00 AM

The Ableton Live 12 update is available today and there are plenty of great new features to get your teeth stuck into. Here, Ableton Certified Trainer ELPHNT takes you through some of the best improvements.

The long-awaited Ableton Live 12 update has finally arrived and there are some incredible improvements to the software that are worth getting your head around. From MIDI Tools, real-time quantization, UI improvements, stacked detail view and much, much more there is plenty that makes this latest update worth the wait.

For a deep dive into Ableton Live 12 and all of the new features, watch our ultimate guide with Ableton Certified Trainer Tom Glendinning aka ELPHNT.

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