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dBs Bristol graduate Sam Brown lands a role at SNK Studios, London

Written by dBs Institute | Dec 7, 2017 10:15:00 AM

Graduate Sam Brown returned to our Bristol HE centre to talk to students about his recent projects and work at SNK Studios, after the guest spot, we chatted to him to find out more about his time at dBs, his course, future plans and his current employment.

Hi Sam, tell us about your time at dBs…

“My time at dBs was absolutely great. I got to meet a lot of really cool people; people from a lot of different backgrounds and different interests. There was a lot of people into a lot of different music tastes, and it was cool to get a different perspective on music and being forced to listen to music that you wouldn’t and critique it so it helped to ‘cut down the wood’.”

What would you say to somebody joining dBs and the FdA Sound and Music Technology course?

“I’d say just put yourself out there and try and meet as many people as you can, because when people say it’s all about who you know, they are right - it’s about who you know. Meet bands, meet other producers, go to networking events and go to places where general creatives huddle. Make good use of all the studios, because I didn’t and I really regret it!”

Tell us about how you started working for SNK Studios in London?

“That was a bit of a struggle! My friend was doing my position before me, so when he got a promotion they needed someone to fill the role. I was recommended to the managers, went to the initial meeting, had a Skype interview afterwards which was followed by a week-long trial.”

Was it a smooth ride between dBs and SNK Studios in London?

“I went away to South Asia for a month, and when I was out there I saw a lot of people who were floating through life and they didn’t really know what they wanted to do and that made me think that actually I do know what I want to do so I came back and got on with music and continued producing.

"It was good to have the month away from it because when I came back the first thing I did was sit down on my computer, wrote a tune which is being released in January on a label called the ‘Ambient.Zone’. They found me through A&R and got in touch with me on Facebook. They said they have been listening to my stuff and wanted to get me on board. They came down to watch me play a show and had a meeting.”

What’s your role at SNK Studios in London?

“I currently work as a runner, liaise and welcome clients, but it varies. I set up a lot of the sessions, do voice overs, set up microphones help the engineers and that kind of thing. When it comes to our bespoke music compositions, often clients don't know how to describe the music they're after, by means of technical terms, so it helps to give them a few reference tracks and they will come back and say 'we like this one can you get us something like that' and I find myself helping in these music searches and preparing the playlists ready to pitch to the clients."

Has your time at dBs influenced your career?

“Yes 300%! It got me out of my shell, because when I was in Cardiff I didn’t really know any other producers. I learnt a lot from all the lecturers and even from all the students taught me little techniques."

What was your best experience while at dBs?

“Some of the Guest lectures we had. I remember Matt Colton a mastering engineer from Alchemy came down and gave us a really good guest lecture and I feel like I learnt a lot from that. It was the guest lecture at dBs where I met Christian Wright from Abbey Road studios.

"Later, my programme leader put me in touch with him as he was looking for someone to help out with the label management. I helped him with label stuff, social media, emails, blogs and later it turned more into me helping him with production, him helping me with production, me sending him tunes, and more him helping me than anything!”

What are your plans for the future?

“My plan is to carry on writing music. I got a live set together and I am looking to get a band together, but that’s for the future. Now I am looking to get gigs, tour, write music and continue working for SNK Studios in London.”


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