Free Software Friday is our regular Friday feature here at the dBs blog. We dig the depths of the music production and media webosphere and discover what downloadable plugin freebies are worth double clicking each week.
Things are a little more experimental this Friday as we take a look at two new free plugins from Puremagnetik; Expanse and Driftmaker.
First up is Expanse, a texture generator that can be spectrally blurred, pitched and filtered. It creates filtered noise and layers a pitch shifted replica on top of itself, which then undergoes spectral blurring and freezing to create interweaving layers of sound. Creating these sounds is nice and simple, but there's a lot you can do with Expanse, making it ideal for drones and textural soundscapes.
The second plug-in, Driftmaker, is a delay disintegration device. Parsing incoming audio and then lifts segments from the recording, granularly time-stretches segments and adds analog deterioration effects to the signal. The end product is all down to what you feed into it, so you can really experiment with a variety of different recordings to create some interesting sonics.
Expanse and Driftmaker are available to download for free on both Windows and Mac (AU/VST) using the link below.
Expanse and Driftmaker
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