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dBs InstituteJul 10, 2024 1:50:28 PM2 min read

How to prepare for A-Level results day 2024

We answer your burning questions around A-Level results day and highlight how to make the most of the grades you've achieved. 

**Updated on Wednesday 10th July, 2024**

Seeing your A-Level results can conjure feelings of relief, disappointment or euphoria, but whatever your results, we have a few tips on how to prepare for the big day on Thursday 15th August, 2024 and do your best to secure the perfect university place for you – no matter what your grades!

A-Level results day checklist

  • Find out what time and where you can get your results, be prepared and realistic on how you think you've done. But don't freak out if it hasn't gone to plan. Get ready to initiate plan B!
  • Have your UCAS login details handy, you'll need these whether you get the grades or not. Double check your contact details, so you know all the information is going to the correct place.
  • Have a pen and paper and the contact details of your university choice to hand. Get calling your choices first, no matter what your grades.
  • Check clearing pages, the dBs clearing page is already live and get in touch for help on applying for a course.

I achieved the grades I need to join dBs. What do I need to do next to confirm my space?

On results day, your grades will automatically be sent to Falmouth University via UCAS. If Falmouth requires your qualifications they will be in touch on or after results day on 15th August 2024 to request what they need, and not before then.

If you have achieved the grades needed to study at dBs Institute, the next step is to wait for Falmouth University to validate them and change your offer from ‘conditional’ to ‘unconditional’. 

I didn’t get the grades I needed, is there still a chance I can study at dBs this September?

If you didn’t achieve the grades you needed, then a discretionary decision will be made by Falmouth University on whether you can still study.

If you feel that your grades were the result of extenuating circumstances, then please submit this to Falmouth University, who will then review and determine whether you may still study or not. 

I’ve changed my mind about the course I’d like to study. Is it too late to change?

It's certainly not the end of the world if you're having second thoughts about your course choice and we can look into this up to the start of the programme. We encourage anyone in this situation to contact us and we can arrange a meeting with the course leader from an alternative course and try and find the right fit for you.

I’ve confirmed my place at dBs! Is there anything I need to do before my course starts?

Thank you for confirming your place with dBs - we're very excited for you to join us in the coming weeks. You should have already received several communications surrounding your start in September, and will be receiving more between now and the 18th September.

Hopefully, you're feeling more equipped for A-Level results day, but if you're still unsure about anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our admissions team at



dBs Institute

dBs Institute is a higher education institute that provides creative industry diploma and degree courses and has cultivated creative professionals for over 25 years.