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Yorkshire Sound Women Network workshops
Chris MackinJul 24, 2024 11:36:55 AM2 min read

Yorkshire Sound Women Network brings WIRED workshops to dBs Manchester

Get all the information you need on the recently announced Summer WIRED workshops; a series of free workshops for girls, women, non-binary people and other minority genders aged 14-18 years old.

If you’re not familiar with Yorkshire Sound Women Network (YSWN), they are an organisation dedicated to providing women, girls and minority gender people with accessible and inclusive resources, and enabling their explorations in sound and music technology.  

As part of their mission YSWN devised WIRED; an initiative that strives to deliver a programme of in-person and online activities, enabling girls and people of minority genders to develop creative music technology skills alongside expert music leaders.  

Thanks to the efforts of our very own Phoebe Pope - course leader at dBs Manchester - we will be hosting several free workshops for WIRED in August 2024 in collaboration with YSWN. 

Taking place between 5th - 20th August, we will be hosting multiple iterations of two workshops. 

Workshop 1: Introduction to Ableton Live and Push: Creative Music Production & Performance Techniques

Monday 5th August or Tuesday 13th August 2024
10:30am – 3pm (lunch provided)

Use powerful tools to record and develop creative music ideas. Explore features of Ableton Live and harness the potential of Ableton Push, getting inspired, creative and having fun!

Learn about the Ableton Live interface and key features, explore sound design and beat-making, then Ableton Push for creating, recording and performing your own music. This will be a fully hands-on workshop with lots of time for experimentation.

Workshop 2: Exploring Hardware Synths: Unleashing Creativity in Music Production

Monday 12th August or Tuesday 20th August 2024
10:30am – 3pm (lunch provided)

Find out about hardware synthesisers and how to record creative music ideas, through hands-on activities. Learn how to manipulate sound and explore the limitless possibilities across different synths, experimenting to create unique sounds. Explore how to record and integrate with DAWs, and push the boundaries of your music making!

Get involved 

All workshops are free to attend but booking is essential as places are limited. To book a place, please download, complete and return the registration form below.

WIRED workshops at dBs Institute registration form

The workshops will take place at dBs Institute Manchester, New Century, Basement Level, 34 Hanover St, Manchester, M4 4AH.

YSWN can support you with your travel costs, if this is a barrier to attending. Please email them on to find out more. 

Interested in more free workshops this summer? Check out our Summer Series lineup taking place at dBs Manchester and covering Logic Pro, Songwriting and Game Dev sessions.

Chris Mackin
With almost ten years experience working in content creation and marketing, Chris has written for multiple music and taste-making brands including MusicTech, and Long Live Vinyl magazine. Over the years, he has interviewed countless key voices in the creative industries including Gordon Raphael (The Strokes), Bjørn Jacobsen (Cyberpunk 2077, Hitman), Sylvan Esso, Chris Cayford (Rolo Tomassi), Olivier Derivière (A Plague Tale) and many more.