Chart topping mix engineer (and dBs Plymouth Tutor) Pete Day has scored another UK Number 1 for his work on Kylie Minogue's 'Step Back In Time' album. We caught up with Pete to learn his secrets for success in the music industry.
Pete Day is no stranger when it comes to achieving big things in your chosen profession. Accolades include being credited for 14 UK Top 10 hits, including 7 Number 1s. There are many factors that contribute to a career of this calibre. We managed to catch Music Technology degree course leader Pete for a quick chat and he was happy to share some of his key ingredients for success with us.
1. Be enthusiastic
It’s a creative industry, you can get a long way in this business by having a positive can-do attitude, where nothing is too much trouble. In my first job working as a trainee in a professional studio, I used to preempt some of the requests I was likely to get. If I knew they would be recording guitar that day, I would make sure the instruments were prepared with new strings before I was even asked to do so. I was quickly rewarded for that level of enthusiasm.
2. Become comfortable with working extra hours
You will probably not get paid for all of the hours that you work. This is not because you are forced too, it's a result of your own professional pride. It's very likely that your colleagues and peers are going to hear your work and you'll want it to be the best it can be. This sometimes means working on something as long as it takes, even if you are not being paid for it. Don't get disheartened, your hard work will not go unnoticed!
3. Meet all deadlines
If you deliver a product late, there is a very good chance that it will not be heard. This will mean all of the hours spent working hard might have been for nothing. There is also the chance that you might not be asked again if you fail to deliver on time. Make it an absolute priority to always deliver on time, even better deliver early as long as the quality of the final submission is not compromised.
4. Do not burn any bridges
You are going to spend a lot of time and effort making contacts. This is a massive part of the music industry and pivotal to your success. If you fall out with people or they rub you up the wrong way, remember they are only human. Do not burn any bridges as 5-10 years down the line (when that disagreement over a compressor setting is long forgotten) that person may be the head of the record/media company.
5. Focus on personal development
Make sure you are consistently focused on improving. Learn as many skills as possible, whenever possible. The creative industries are ever changing and the more you can do, the more employable you will be. Who knows where the work will be in 5 - 10 years time!