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A group of attentive students in a lecture theatre
dBs InstituteSep 14, 2022 12:00:00 PM7 min read

What it’s like studying at dBs - from our students and alumni

Students and alumni from across our degree programmes reveal their experiences of studying at dBs. Read on to find out more!

Here at dBs, we're extremely proud of our ethos. With a strong focus on fostering a tight-knit community, we prioritise the quality of our teaching, being approachable and how we can help our students and alumni find their dream job in the industry when they leave us - and during their studies.

Don't just take our word for it, though! Here, we've curated what our current students and recent alumni have said about studying at dBs, our tutors and how we've prepared them for life post-dBs.

BA (Hons) Electronic Music Production

“It's not always the specific things you learn, but the connections you make and the people you have around to constantly bounce ideas off and inspire each other. That's the main thing I've taken from being at dBs.” - Jayden Cary, Electronic Music Production

"A lot of what I've created this year was down to learning from Emmanuel [Spinelli]. He's very good at pushing you out of your comfort zone, which I loved. I was already on the diving board, he just shook it. I loved all the experimental stuff he introduced us to, and you can really tell how much he cares about each student's journey. It's about how you get there rather than the end product, that you took some risks and explored something new; it doesn't matter if the end product is good." Max Trivitt, Electronic Music Production

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BA (Hons) Music Production & Sound Engineering

“I've learned loads over the past three years. The innovation module with Emmanuel Spinelli has been a massive highlight. Getting into the more abstract sound outside of music has been really interesting.” Albert Andersen, Music Production & Sound Engineering

“By working with a huge range of costly equipment, it has become easier to make accurate decisions on where best to spend money when looking to improve certain aspects of production or engineering (quite often this has actually saved me money). Another major advantage of the studio spaces is that you can become very familiar with a range of outboard equipment that most people don't have access to and therefore do not know how to set up and operate. In particular, it’s been great to be able to use mixing consoles such as the SSL Duality and API 1608 which are both amazing in terms of sound and flexibility, Having this alongside the degree makes the transition into bigger studios much easier and has assisted me in setting up and running a mixing and mastering business.”, Benjamin Mercado, Music Production & Sound Engineering

"The other day I had a lecture with Ben Glass who is one half of Dubkasm. It took me a couple of weeks to realise I actually have a poster on my wall from an event they played at. The tutors are actually in the scene I am interested in and have experience in the kind of music I want to get into. Anyone can learn music production from an academic point of view, but to be taught by people who actually have the experience, the connections and can give you these production tips they have learnt from being electronic artists themselves is so much better.” Dom, Music Production & Sound Engineering

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FdA Sound & Music Technology

“I really appreciate all of the lecturers and tutors I've come across during my time at dBs. It's not just that they’re teaching, they've all got industry experience too. I think that really makes a really big difference. You're not just being told information, you're being told information that you can transfer to a real-life environment.” Owen Trick, Sound & Music Technology

"I had already done a lot of work off my own back before coming here, however, with the production side of things, dBs has definitely helped to teach me how to do things properly. The sound design and advanced production modules really helped me, as well as getting to know the studios. How to record a vocalist, if you wanted to get a vocalist on one of your tracks, that helped loads. dBs has helped with the more practical side of my creativity." Anaïs Jan, Sound & Music Technology

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BSc (Hons) Live Sound

"The lecturers we have at dBs are really, really good. They take time to listen to you and because it's much smaller courses at dBs than at a large-scale university, it's much more personal. We know our lecturers and we work with our lecturers. It's really nice to know that, once we're in the industry and we bump into Chitson or Fiona, they're not going to be clueless as to who you are." - Skye Walters, Live Sound 

"Tom DB has great industry contacts which will prove indispensable for the module he teaches us. He's also dedicated to ensuring we’re taught about the latest technologies whilst using said technologies, which I feel is very important in the live sound realm as the industry is constantly in flux." - Dom Brown, Live Sound

"Pretty much all the work I've done has come through dBs. I was repping at a dBs open day and that was when Fiona and Tom DB saw that I was doing really well. I then got an opportunity to work with d&b Audiotechnik at the Institute of Acoustics through Tom DB. I then met Andy Horsburgh from d&b, and he'd had a personal recommendation for me from Tom DB." - Hazel Warren-Cooke, Live Sound

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BA (Hons) Music & Sound for Film & TV

“The project-based, fast turnaround nature of the teaching absolutely sets you up for reality in the industry. You don't really have time to rest on your laurels and I think dBs is really great for that. Without a doubt, I'm using everything I've learnt and implementing the techniques and processes into my projects with industry professionals now.” Jamie Bird, Music & Sound for Film & TV

“I’ve learnt a whole bunch being at dBs. I don't think I really knew that much when I first came here. Now I feel way more prepared. I feel like I've gotten so much out of it. I would have been lost without dBs.” John Kerton, Music & Sound for Film & TV

“I loved all the people who were teaching me. Everyone's so caring and enthusiastic. If I was struggling with something, I could speak to the module leader and they would sacrifice their own time to sit down and talk to me. There’s a sense of being taught by people who really know what they're talking about, but also really care. You can see that they want you to succeed.” Rob Kivits, Music & Sound for Film & TV

“dBs is a small, tight-knit community and the facilities are great… The support we've had has been amazing. Being a composer can feel like being a lone wolf at times. Having the encouragement to work in groups and collaborate, I think that's been really important.” Ethan Harper, Music & Sound for Film & TV

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BA (Hons) Sound Design

"The stuff that you do in the first and second year, really, really prepared me for real-life game dev work. We learnt things like how to build an asset pipeline and really high-level planning stuff down to getting everything into the game and tracking the assets; we covered all of it. At the time, you think, 'Why am I building a spreadsheet?' And then you realise, 'Oh, actually, this stuff is all super necessary.' We'd be lost without it. It really helped me to come across as professional." Merlin Sunley, Sound for Games & Apps

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MA Innovation in Sound

"The techs definitely had a big influence on my work. It's never just problem-solving for them. They often come at things with ideas and interesting, innovative ways of looking at the problem." Jacob Zoob, MA Innovation in Sound

"I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for the MA... dBs is a great place with great people that know what they're doing. It's a really great place to experiment and to share the things that you discover." Eduardo Gama, Innovation in Sound

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"They're invested in your career" - 3 live sound students reveal how their tutors are making a positive difference both in and outside of university
"The first of many" - MA student Dan Legg releases debut Eurorack module
A vision for the future - How dBs grad Ché Leader is helping improve accessibility in dance music

Like what you hear about studying at dBs? Our courses are taught by professionals working in the industry and can help you unlock your career in sound, music and digital technologies. Find out more at one of our open days


dBs Institute

dBs Institute is a higher education institute that provides creative industry diploma and degree courses and has cultivated creative professionals for over 25 years.